Here she is.
Rosina-12” of girlish fun and ruffles and spun. Because dresses are made for twirling and climbing and laying in the high grass.
Rosina-12” of girlish fun and ruffles and spun. Because dresses are made for twirling and climbing and laying in the high grass.
All DollyMo colours are back in stock— including the two new colours- Honey Blond and Mahogany (Etsy listing to come).
Some little dolls just light a fire in your heart. This little one is aglow with silliness but she is also terribly shy. She will be available for the August 1 upload.
Nissy and Tamina are chatting about their future adventures. Both are available for purchase. Here are the links:
Nissy with her white hair : Tamina with silver locks: