
Somebody’s got new shoes…

El Naturalista clogs:



and during the same visit discovered our new Lego Store - all within 30min driving distance. 

That makes one very happy 7 year old boy and one very happy "multiple times 7 yr old" Mami (as I'm called around here – because as I've just been informed, Mom or Mother doesn't sound as much full of love — smart kid, hope he keeps it up)..

More good news: the finger's cast can be off except for heavy lifting or dangerous work (Mothering and Wife-ing doesn't count I as dangerous and heavy work I was told).

Things that need to be improved this coming week: glasses broken for the 3rd time (new frame each time) need to be replaced – probably with a different frame, which is so sad, as I'm loving this one; ruptured ear-drum continues healing; final plantings need to go into the garden; time for doll making, felting and art promo must be created; piles of clean and sun-dried laundry must be folded and put away; farmers market must be visited to see if there are any strawberries yet (or other yummies); somebody must be hired to manage a steady summer weather temperature – the person currently doing the job should be let go.

Off to the laundry-line….

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