
Having a husband does have it's benefits (well on more than one occasion… giggle. grin. smirk.) Today he was the driving force in getting me to finish and deliver 6 paintings to Canvas Gallery. One of the Gallery owners came by in December to choose some nearly finished pieces, and had it not been for DH, I would have waited until next week to get them there. Talk about procrastination. DH simply said "get it done and finished, you'll feel better about it being weekend!" Now there is the boss I was speaking about the other day.

Elements of Sustenance 20 x 32 inches now waiting at Canvas gallery for its new owner.


A large piece 39" x 52" that is finished and will go out to one of the galleries within the next little while. I didn't write down the title, so I can't share it here. (dilly me).

Fliegenpilz – Amanita muscaria

Fly Agaric or simply the toadstool has held my attention since times of little me, when we had a few beautiful versions to mount on the Christmas tree every year, as well as being a sign of good luck that is on oh, so many birthday cards and well wishes in Switzerland and Germany (and maybe other places as well?

Encouraged by Pea Soup's pattern of the acorn, I thought, oh, now I can figure out how to knit one of these without trying to figure out an English knitting pattern. I learned to knit while growing up in Switzerland and to this day, 21 years after arriving in Canada, I still struggle with the knitting patterns here. This is likely in part why I haven't knitted any of the popular patterns, but rather just figure out what I want to make and write my own patterns. Which of course also means that I haven't been as experimental as I would like to be. 

Then there has been the problem of my hands. Hands that refuse to work without causing me pain and tingling. I have never been formally diagnosed with a nameable disease, however, after much, much research, I know that it is nerve damage. (A full disclosure might be posted some other time, as it is very involved). However, after a year and a half of seeing an amazing osteopath, doing almost nightly acupuncture myself and now also getting Rolfing treatments done, I was able for the first time in over 5 years to hold small (size 2) needles again, metal ones and early in the morning. 

But, let the pictures speak:


Finished with the knitting, unfinished with the embellishment and needle felting

Fertig! Finished! Finito!


From below. 

Dancing with the Acorn

 and just because it amused me to no end to take these pictures, another silly one. (psst… I used a needle to hold them together, but don't tell, 'key!)

That dancing acorn is the new one I made today, doubled the gold yarn, looks much so much better. 

Upcoming, I realized that my little knitted chipmunks have not been shown in this space before, so I'll have some fun with a photo session and will share it with you then. 

Oh, and yes, please don't eat the Toadstools, don't even touch them, they are not for eating. 

Magic in the making

So, the plan is that I show up at the studio, work or five to six hours on my paintings. Right? I think that is what has been established in my brain. Well, some of that does happen:

Four out of 16 works with canoes. Due, well, about 6 weeks ago, but finally making good progress.

Then, there is my brain, the one that does not want to focus and because there is no boss keeping me in line, and because I don't have a computer or TV (thank heavens) that keeps me distracted, I create my own diversions. Little side projects that would get me fired from any honestly paying job. Wow, I'm a lucky one… Or maybe it shows that the boss should be fired first, no wait, that would also be me…

Anyway, ramblings aside, I do travel around the world a lot, sitting on my derriere and reading blogs. Every so often a seed is sewn: from Pea Soup.  Reminding me of 3 Nuts for Cinderella from my childhod and oh still so magical. Well in the movie, it's Hazelnuts, but in my memory it's acorns. So, after finding some gold coloured yarn from a 1980's project (a sweater we shall leave in history), I thought how magical acorns are. Three magic acorns. Acorns full of magic (now there is some look-see I could do for the symbolism). So how, can anyone tell me, am I supposed to be focused on painting, when just by pure chance that gold yarn happened to be in my studio basket, together with the needles and instructions by Pea Soup? 


The beginning.. just starting it, to be finished at home tonight… 


That wasn't me that did that… 


Pretty tiny.. I did change the pattern a bit, in that I didn't do the increases for the acorn cap, as the wool is so much thicker than the gold, hence also the decreases in the cap are different. I didn't write the changes down, but I will be able to reproduce them, thanks to mother earth never making the exact thing twice.

I will make another one, where I will use the gold doubled, as I don't like how the stuffing can be seen in the nut. I will also use some needle felting to tighten the whole thing up a bit. It's a tad to soft for my taste. But I think, a worthwhile start. 


That is the number of blogs I managed to write since I started the blog last year, or about a year ago. So almost one blog post per week. A slice of Mom-in-laws fruitcake is being devoured to celebrate! Yep, at our house we love mom's fruit cake….

The evil cold virus came back on Jan 2nd, so hefty that I didn't go riding on Abby, as it is not safe to be on Mrs. Frisky when I'm not at my physical best. Huxley had two rides though over those two days and a skate on the "wild" pond. 

one of our riding fields

skating pond party 
aglow on the ice

We're back to the normal schedule with a couple of hick-ups — missed the first day back to school, as I had it down to January 6th, signed Huxley up for the wrong community centre for swimming so the boys went to the wrong pool last night, being hit with this second cold, meant last week was spent on the couch for two days, nothing, absolutely nothing got accomplished… well… the year can only improve from here. 

Actually, improved, it already has, as I've finished my back-tack goodies, well one thing I still want to make today, then as promised to Pam, I'll have it off to England at the end of the week. I also knitted two little things yesterday and a third today, but I need to be sneaky about them yet… (giggle)

Huxley seems to have gotten the cold again too, and I fear that I will have more days away from the studio. My dear YaYa who's first language is not English told me that I must not care about work, that the child comes first, and that no matter how much I fret, I will get the work done. However, I am getting worried, as I am very much behind in getting work to a local gallery (only today put the last coat of resin on), and I was also s'possed to have work to Whistler by now. It's getting to be their prime winter season and the pieces are still being worked… Yes, my heart knows that Huxley does come first, and DH's business is doing great now, so it's not a matter of having no food in the house if I don't do the work right now, but there is my reputation with the galleries at stake. 

Some years ago I watched Andy Goldsworthys "Rivers and Tides" DVD and loved it up to the point where he goes home mid-day to a prepared meal, done by his wive and mother to his four children, only to after lunch go back to just make art. I still think that if us women could be full-time artists with somebody else tending to our children and our homes, we could become just as focused and successful as male artists. Imagine how wonderful it would be to not think during your creative time what you will cook for dinner, when you will find time to do the laundry and not to think during cleaning time what you want to do when the little ones are in bed, just to find that when they finally are, you are just to exhausted for anything except sleep yourself. 

I got of the phone with YaYa feeling once again not understood as an artist and a mother. 

However, I did get be at the studio one whole day on December 31 (the first whole day since September), and I made a plan of how I'd like to handle work-flow during this year. I will try to work on less pieces at one time, but getting a set number done every week. Considering that I'm still struggling to try and keep works flowing into the galleries, I have to change something, as they are not happy with me. I also got a new digital camera for Christmas, and I think I might be able to handle more of the photography and image preparation without dependence on hubby, so I can manage the new paintings easier. 

I am also planning to finish my knitted pieces over the next couple of week. These are mainly scarves and goodies that are knit, but need to have threads sewn in and washed and blocked. Images will follow in a couple of days.

Today as the first day back in the studio had me laminating another three paintings worth of papers to the wooden panels, laying out one four foot by four foot piece and a 24 inch by 24 inch piece.