It’s been a basket

full of laundry that is actually 5 baskets full… as I had to play catch up. So not much crafting and creating happened on the home front. 

Saturday did bring this to completion though. Hey, my old boss would be happy to know that I got to cross it off my task list…


I did try out some new recipes from one of my newest most favourite cookbooks:


to make some dips for a visit by my friend Rima and her son. We had a lovely time followed by some tobogganing in the local park at dusk. 

Today, I'm off to the studio for some new creations. If you are interested to follow my artistic pursuits, check it out over at my painting blog: Monika Aebischer – Inside the Studio. I decided to split my blog into one for my regular clients and one for you. If you are here, you can link over there, but they will not get a link to this place. 


or how to quickly type a title, when them mind is blank….

A few images I wish to share from my playdate with myself and the new camera at the studio. 


(Robert, remember this… grin)

lunch cut-offs…

okay.. gotta go to the post office, to post the package for Pam… (finally Monika… you're getting it done…)

Have a wonderful weekend.

And so it’s come to pass

Well, as they say, all good things have to end sometime….


The tree, gone, to the curb, sad and alone, cold, very cold. 

Just like we where until this afternoon, when DH suggested I pick up a new filter for the furnace, and after installing it, our temperatures INSIDE the house went from 13 degrees back up to 21, that is Celsius. Wow, what a difference these measly 8 degrees made. 

I've been productive and have taken photos for a tutorial I will show in February. I've also realized, that many things will be shown once Pam has received her BackTack package, as it is full of my efforts of the past weeks. 

In large part because of the cold in the house, the severe cold outside and the errands that had to be run this week, I'm still not all packed up. Tomorrow, Huxley has a play date, then I have a doctors appointment, but the good thing about this is that I will be able to leave the house alone, so can get the one last thing I need to get into that package. On Saturday, I wanted to go riding and picking up the refrigerator that my mom-in-law gave us for Christmas, but I need to wait one more week, as I just have to catch up with work at home… dope… talking about work… better quickly go and get the bread into the oven.. 

Okay, it's rising now for the second time.

Now, what was I going to blog about? Oh, this is the essence of my life, the interruptions, the lack of focus. I was wondering today, if it has to do with motherhood and working, or if it is simply because I'm over 40. What has been your experience?

Silken Colours

Back at art school, I fell in love. With silk, with hand stitching, with hand dyeing thin, thin silk thread-like yarn. I think in weaving terms it the number 32 is in there somewhere. I ordered a cone with about 1000 meters from Switzerland, a special silk supplier I have. Slowly, when the muse strikes me, I wind a few little hanks and dyed them in acid dyes. Then they get wound into little treasures of balls. Stored in an old cigarette box. Love of colour pure. 


Backtack, the gift will have little bits of these worked within. (Pam… does that get your mind going?)

All the Backtack goodies are assembled, but last night, when I should have packaged them, I had to go to bed by 9 pm, just after Huxley's play in the tub with Spiderman. Knowing that the temperatures where falling to -20, I wanted to be under the covers before I got too cold, and in the basement, where my sewing station is, it does get colder than usual. 

Can somebody tell me, why it is that I wake up at 4 am when I have to get up at 5 am? It is rather annoying, especially, because I can't let myself fall fully back asleep because I don't have an alarm clock, so as to not wake up DH and Huxley at the same time… then I wonder though, why I need to fall asleep the same time as a 4 1/2 year old… geesh….


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: 

Age shall not weary them, nor the years contemn. 

At the going down of the sun and in the morning 

We will remember them.

by Laurence Binyon




Ralph Gordon Cochrane
November 26. 1968 – January 10, 1999

Dearest friend, soulmate, fiancee and much more