It’s been a basket
full of laundry that is actually 5 baskets full… as I had to play catch up. So not much crafting and creating happened on the home front.
full of laundry that is actually 5 baskets full… as I had to play catch up. So not much crafting and creating happened on the home front.
or how to quickly type a title, when them mind is blank….
Well, as they say, all good things have to end sometime….
Back at art school, I fell in love. With silk, with hand stitching, with hand dyeing thin, thin silk thread-like yarn. I think in weaving terms it the number 32 is in there somewhere. I ordered a cone with about 1000 meters from Switzerland, a special silk supplier I have. Slowly, when the muse strikes me, I wind a few little hanks and dyed them in acid dyes. Then they get wound into little treasures of balls. Stored in an old cigarette box. Love of colour pure.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years contemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
by Laurence Binyon