Knitting Content
In a flurry of finishing, this week I sewed in threads. I'm still not completely finished, mainly it's the photography that is missing, but here is the first one Haruha Scarf, executed in my own hand dyed mulberry silk from Switzerland, together with pineapple yarn from Habu. I don't have the exact number right at my fingertips. If you need to know, I can probably pull it up, just drop me a note.
Airplane wings
Sitting on Bobby, arms out stretched, sun in their eyes, temperatures of minus 16 plus a windchill making it more like minus 29 or so. No sattle, getting connected with the movement of the horse. Whatever can be felt through up-teen layers of clothing. Happiness in their faces. Primo nipping Bobby's behind, bobby kicking up his legs, both children sliding off, landing in a soft mount of hay. Me giving Huxley's cousin a high-five for her first fall of a horse. Her laughing and saying "that was fun, can I do it again". Fear conquered! I'm proud.
Yesterday, I threw out one of Huxley's toys. A horse jumping obstacle from a set he received. Plastic. Extremely difficult to put together. Frustrating. Causing tears. This all first thing in the morning. A morning when I had gotten up and actually taken the time to do my hair as I had a rare business meeting. Later at the studio, I felt sad about Huxley's tears over the loss of the toy. But I know that he needs to learn that sometimes we are better off without the frustrating things of life. Of course, at his age, it is about something of his taken away.