Winter Interlude
Sorry for my absence from the just barley established rythmen of blogging frequency. We had a lot of things to take care off, involving many conversations and discussions. I won't go into detail here until outcomes are known.
Sorry for my absence from the just barley established rythmen of blogging frequency. We had a lot of things to take care off, involving many conversations and discussions. I won't go into detail here until outcomes are known.
This is for all my fellow mothers of currently little boys….
not human babies…
Since Pam has now received her Back-Tack 4 package from me finally, I can now show some of my pictures and share a bit about the goodies.
Finally, finally, the promised pictures of my little knitted friends, the chipmunks. In 2007, after we joined the local Waldorf School, I was fortunate enough to take a course in Waldorf doll making with one of the mothers from the School (April). Not only did I find a wonderful creative soul in her, one I can relate to on many levels. She also has two sons, so we had lots to share about mothering. She was the one who introduced me to the work of Gordon Neufeld, but she also showed me a little tiny chipmunk she had knit for her younger son some years ago. My interest was immediately piqued and I wanted to make a fleet of them. By looking at the "hide" of one, i.e. one that was knit, but not sewn up, I made it my mission to figure out how to make them.