A new Page in the Book

Today, this very morning, I'm turning a new page in my book of life. Huxley is starting to be at the Waldorfschool every day, every morning. No more daycare! So hub and I agreed, that I would get up at 5:30am, be off to the studio until noon and then pick Huxley up at school. Even though I am a morning person, and  this is not really that much of a difference from Huxley waking us at this un-holy of times, it will probably be hard when it is the middle of winter with a new snow-fall to content with. But it also means that hub who works from home and sometimes does not leave his office all day, will bring the little one to the school. So if all goes well, I will have close to 30 hours at the studio every week, geesh, this is almost a full work week. The best part is that I also get to spend awake time with Huxley, don't have to rush through rush hour to get dinner on the table. 

I still did not have a chance to post pix from my birthday party, but there was a huge surprise: Richard surprised me with a totally unexpected proposal for marriage. We've been together for over 7 years, living together most of that time, but well, living in sin. No date set yet, but sometime next year we will have a little ceremony. 


us with me looking at the ring that Richard designed, Huxley eating my skirt, just because about 30 people where watching us. 

Off I go on my new adventure…

It’s Official

I've made it to 40!

'nuf said… 

now I must go to do the mad dash of putting the last touches onto our house in anticipation of the big party this afternoon. We're expecting about 30 people, plus kids, give or take a few…

When I write next, it will be as a middle-aged woman. It is then, that I will reflect on this number.

In desperate need for some photos

Although this blog is to be about what I create, not only about that little boy in my life, I have yet to get around taking pictures. I've got a whole lot of paintings on the go, blankets for Höopla, the show that I'm attending in September, but nothing to show for. I've just packed the camera to take to the studio and to photograph some goodies. Just thought I'll let you know that a whole slew of pictures are coming.

Gotta scoot…. 

Here a little picture of Richard showing Huxley his old home in Quebec, this was not the first place where he lived, but the first one that he remembers, a farm, and as he said, it hasn't been painted since 1979. He moved away from there when he was about 9 or 10 (gotta verify this though).


Summer Boy


Although we've been having the rainiest summer in the trackable history of this city, my big boy still loves his water squirter… hey, why bother with a water squirter that has to be "charged" when you can simply turn on the faucet and have an unlimited amount of ammunition? He's got it all figured out. 

It is such a pleasure to watch him in the back yard, a yard that is not huge, a mere 25' by about 50', but oh, it is so green and lush. I need to take a whole bunch of pictures so I can remember this state in the middle of winter. Since I don't have a lot of structural plants, it does most certainly all go back into the ground. 

This past weekend has been one of utter bus"y"ness. I had a real wrench thrown into it though, I was going to bake a cake on Friday for my neighbour, and discovered moths all over my loose foods in the pantry. Ended up trowing out about a hundred dollars worth of stuff. Jikkes…. but I took every single thing out of the pantry, scrubbed it down with bleach (something I didn't even have in the house), and then had to put it all back together. 

On Saturday I corralled Richard into fixing the back splash wall of the laundry room (something that's been a mess since we moved in), today I primed and painted the room. I've made it my challenge to not use anything that we didn't already have. I used the light blue paint that is also in Huxley's room and I think it looks great. I even primed the floor white, which makes me want to be in there and do laundry all day long (grin)…. but seriously, it's one of those seemingly low-priority things that makes everything look so much brighter. 

On Sunday after showering and on my way upstairs stopped at the sewing machine and finally (about a year after getting them), sewed pillow cases for the new couch pillows. Oh, yeah, another thing was that we actually got a new futon for our frame. So we won't be getting a new couch. I also sewed the cover for it Saturday. I'm just sharing all this stuff with you, because I was at a point where I really "hated" our house for not getting anything done towards it looking and more importantly feeling like a home. This is a start, and hopefully it will give me inertia to keep going.

Today I had my 7 1/2 year old niece with me and I sewed with her. She is a delight, although I have to say, my patience level when teaching is not the best. I find it very hard to teach a skill that is so second nature to me, breaking it down and remembering each of the individual little things that matter to make it a success. Hold on to your thread when starting to sew, always keep the needle in the fabric if you stop, only pull the wheel on the side towards you, hold the fabric just so… I think back of learning this all from Frau Brändli in needlework class and how easier it must be to just be at the front of the class, demonstrating and then expecting the kids to just "figure it out". Sitting right beside and not interfering is hard work. But we managed. Lena made two needle-pillows, out of fabric with stripes that she first had to sew along the lines and a little shoulder bag. Next time I want to make a skirt or something with her, but even though it is important to have the successful outcome of projects, I still think it is important to also be able to just practice. Strange, when people learn to play an instrument the parents don't expect them to play for the symphony after one day, or when the learn to ski, but when it involves creative endeavors, it's always the product that seems to matter. 

Okay.. gotta go and do some vacuuming now.. must find all those stray needles.