Blankets Galore
Remember the loose threads in the picture? Well here are the babies that where created from those.
Remember the loose threads in the picture? Well here are the babies that where created from those.
Visuals… finally:
Wow… that went just too fast… another week/end come and gone. On Saturday we went to our CSA for their picnic and Huxley had a hoot in the vegetable field paths together with his oldest friend Andreas. He is a mere 6 weeks older than Huxley and his mom and I were hanging out throughout our pregnancy. His dad is Swiss too, so we went to the farm and gave the boys the experience in swiss german.
Once, a very, very long time ago I used to have weekends, a time where all I had to do was relax and maybe some groceries, laundry and relax some more. However, with the advent of self-employment, my own studio, various projects, that kind of schedule just went out the doors. My husband too works for himself, albeit from home. So every Thursday/Friday we have the usual discussion of who gets to work on what. Before we had Huxley it was simply a conversation about when we would do something together, going for a hike perhaps, or a movie, dinner, a visit to friends. Over the past 4 years though it has become a task to manage spending time with Huxley, as a family and getting all the other things done that need doing.
A large stockpot full of sour cherries from our tree planted 2 years ago. I got 17 jars of sour cherry jam from it.
This weekend has seen the putting away of 18 jars (1l each) of organic Roma tomatoes. This is my first time doing it and even though I followed some recipes, not just one, I will see if it works. It is just so interesting to see the discrepancy between recipes, government health recommendations and actual experience handed down by somebody that had been doing it for many, many years, namely my dearest neighbour Dina. She is of greek descent and when she arrived in Canada over 40 years ago, she had an italian neighbour teach her.