Samichlaus and Spiderman
Both names start with the letter "S", but that is probably where it stops.
Both names start with the letter "S", but that is probably where it stops.
I'm still here, but we've been bogged down by a nasty cold, luckily not the flu. Also trying to get the house organized for the holidays. Finally ironed a whole laundry basket of clothes that has been sitting in the back room since (gasp) August. Now all the summer clothes are ready for next year. DH finally hung up some shelves that have been purchase back in June. Got a new bookshelf for the dining room that is really for now the playroom, computer room (we eat in the kitchen, so that Huxley has a room near me where he can play and do crafts). Dreaming about a super airy extension we will one day make to the house, so the kitchen can become a dream to work in and we can still have a lovely living room and a dining room. So much potential for our little house (little being a manufacture of our times, as the family before us raised four children here).
I'm on a diet, the meal created late at night because I didn't have white serger thread to sew the crowns for this years Winterfair at our Waldorfschool:
A bit of puttering for my soul.
Okay, you might at this point wonder how all this horsey-business fits in with my "Twitters from a Creative brain"… well, it does, in that everything I do feeds my creative mind… also, being an artist does not cleanly separate itself into being in the studio and creating, while I then go and live the rest of my life separately.