
Last fall was a very busy time, so much happening, so little time and then the ground froze on me. I panicked, as I didn't have a chance to harvest our Jerusalem Artichoke. I thought that maybe we would get a January thaw, but no such luck.

On Thursday, I saw a squirrel dig in the grass and decided to see what's happening in the back yard to get it so excited.. lo and behold, much of the ground is thawed. So I pulled on the sunchoke plant (they are annuals), and it came easily out of the ground, not many artichokes though. When I pulled out the next plant however, I found a few chokes in the soil.. I went and got the shovel.. and here my dears is my harvest:


I haven't weighed it yet, but I guess it's around 3kg.

This is from 6 plants. I had put them in the middle of the garden. Not knowing how exactly they would do in my space (it was my first time trying them), I regretted that decision, as they blocked all the light from my swiss chard harvest (i.e. there was no swiss chard harvest last year). This year they are going against the back fence, to block the view and to let them have fun and expand.

My husband was worried if the chokes would taste okay after being frozen in the ground, and they did. It was after reading in many places that once you plant them, they are very hard to get rid off, that I decided that the tubers must likely be okay to stay in the ground during the winter.. now on to preserving and cooking them.. yummy!… 

If you cook with them and have a favourite recipe, I would love to hear about it.

Casting about…

The cast is not supposed to get wet. I am therefore working on some projects other than my paintings too. Long, long overdue ones. 

Today's task: prepare the pattern for the Chippys I made back in 2009. 

There was some pattern drawing, some test knitting, some introductions:


There was also some procrastination where I spent time decorating my cast (inspired by Frieda Kahlo, but on a bit a smaller scale)


The finger feels a lot better, but I need to see the hand therapist twice a week to change the cast and tend to the skin under it. Huxley and I were horsing around tonight and the finger got a tug on it… wow.. that was not good!!!!! 

Back to the chippies:

I'm not satisfied with the body shape of the one above and have re-drawn the pattern and re-knit the next "hide". Most of the work in these sweet little chippies is in the sewing up and embroidery. Once I have the pattern finalized, I will need to write up those instructions, then look for some test-knitters to see if my instructions make sense. 


Knit in 100% Alpaca, on 2.5mm needles.

I also went to the wool store and got some white angora to make bunnies.



The Olive Sparrow Child — Rima

Rima is the name of one of my best friends Undine Jewellery and after I created the Olive Sparrow Child I am introducing today, I thought of Rima with every picture I took. 

Rima, the doll, is about 38 cm's tall (just shy of 15", and was planned to be 35cm) and was a custom doll for a client here in Toronto for her daughter's birthday this weekend.

(it is very difficult to type with the finger, so I'm instead giving you a whole lot of pictures… (I hope you don't mind)…




















Each doll is made up of the following materials.

Skin: 100% cotton (Swiss-made to Öko-Tex-Standard 100)
Stuffing 100% “green-processed” wool batt from Canada
Hair: 100% Wool, or a Mohair/Wool Blend
Clothing: 100% natural fibres (linen, cotton, silk)
Shoes: Recycled felted wool sweaters, or pure leather
Face: 100% cotton Embroidery Thread

Each doll is created individually by artist Monika Aebischer, the proprietor of The Olive Sparrow. She sources and uses only the highest quality materials in her creations – swiss-made skin fabric, Canadian green processed wool stuffing,  wool/mohair for the dolls hair (often hand-dyed by her). Hair for the Olive Sparrow Children is made by crocheting a cap that is sewn to the head, allowing for replacement should it ever become necessary (although most children will object to this, as it changes their doll dramatically). For the wispy hair, a special german mohair is used and a labour-intense technique, for the loose longer hair each strand of wool is individually knotted into the crocheted cap. This is the prime technique for doll-wig creation.

Doll clothing is made from up-cycled vintage and clothing fabrics, in either pure linen, cotton or silk. Up-cycled fabric is wonderful for doll clothes, as the cloth has been washed soft, gentle and free of textile manufacturing products. Monika also felts used woolen sweaters to use for doll shoes and clothing. She knits the doll’s hats out of prime quality knitting wool. Each seam on the doll’s body is sewn twice to allow your child to fiercely love their Olive Sparrow Child. Clothing is sewn with French seams and some are fully reversible. 

Olive Sparrow Child — Princess Starlight

The Princess was one of my most favourite custom order I created for Christmas 2010. She went to a little girl in whose house there are already a few Olive Sparrow children, and this little girl had just one wish, a Princess. 

So without further ado, may I present:

Princess Starlight:


In full formal regalia. 




Sometimes a Princess has to think a lot about how to help her land and how to make sure that the fairies can have all the space they need in the forest, yet also let the people have enough room to grow food.


Wonderful cape!


Without the cape, yet still formal, perfect for ballroom dances in the castle.


For more casual events, yet when it she still needs to wear a crown, the gold part can be removed.

As well as her star skirt, it can also be taken off when she walks through her lands to help her people.



Here a quick look at her wardrobe, accessories. The star-skirt can also be worn as a cape. Finding a gorgeous silk-embroidery East Indian outfit worked out perfect for the cape. The crown is made from felt I hand-dyed and sewed as a traditional Waldorf Birthday crown. (Crowns for Children - scroll down a bit to see the child-sized versions of these).

At the last 50% off sale at our local Chez VV (our fancy name for Value Village), I purchased some other gorgeous outfits and am working on a Princes' outfit, and have ideas for fairies and other magical Olive Sparrow children.

Picture of the Princess Starlight concludes my review of sold and custom dolls made in 2010. Today I will focus on getting my Etsy Store – TheOliveSparrow ready for it's grand opening. Stay tuned for the exact date which I will post in a bit (within the next day).


Each doll is made up of the following materials.

Skin: 100% cotton (Swiss-made to Öko-Tex-Standard 100)
Stuffing 100% “green-processed” wool batt from Canada
Hair: 100% Wool, or a Mohair/Wool Blend
Clothing: 100% natural fibres (linen, cotton, silk)
Shoes: Recycled felted wool sweaters, or pure leather
Face: 100% cotton Embroidery Thread

Each doll is created individually by artist Monika Aebischer, the proprietor of The Olive Sparrow. She sources and uses only the highest quality materials in her creations – swiss-made skin fabric, Canadian green processed wool stuffing,  wool/mohair for the dolls hair (often hand-dyed by her). Hair for the Olive Sparrow Children is made by crocheting a cap that is sewn to the head, allowing for replacement should it ever become necessary (although most children will object to this, as it changes their doll dramatically). For the wispy hair, a special german mohair is used and a labour-intense technique, for the loose longer hair each strand of wool is individually knotted into the crocheted cap. This is the prime technique for doll-wig creation.

Doll clothing is made from up-cycled vintage and clothing fabrics, in either pure linen, cotton or silk. Up-cycled fabric is wonderful for doll clothes, as the cloth has been washed soft, gentle and free of textile manufacturing products. Monika also felts used woolen sweaters to use for doll shoes and clothing. She knits the doll’s hats out of prime quality knitting wool. Each seam on the doll’s body is sewn twice to allow your child to fiercely love their Olive Sparrow Child. Clothing is sewn with French seams and some are fully reversible. 

Olive Sparrow Child – Stella

Stella is 52 cm tall and went to a very special girl that Huxley used to be in Kindergarten with and whose parents are friends of ours. The little Girl had visited me at the booth and had held Eloise in her arms and really, really wished for her, however, I had already been in communique with her mom about a special doll for just The little Girl. So between her dad and I we had to persuade her in the most gentle of manners about why Eloise was not the right one for her.. That was so hard… But it made it even more fun to secretly work on Stella (named so by The little Girl).


The little Girl had originally seen Meg after her friend was gifted with her at her 6th Birthday last November (That little Girl) is also a friend of Huxley's. That little Girl took her doll to school and The little Girl became enthralled with Meg and so the wish to an Olive Sparrow child of her own came to be. 


Stella is walking on Love through life.



Eloise, whom The little Girl had seen at the Winterfair was not the perfect child for her, because Eloise has little braids that can be undone, but doesn't have a huge head of hair to play with, and hair for play is what the mom of The little Girl felt would be exactly right. The little Girl is 6, and at that age hair play is huge. So Stella has long hair that was hand dyed by me. Each strand is fairly fine, so there are many hair styles possible.

Stella also got another dress to take with her, here it is worn by Eloise (who will be in my Etsy shop when it opens in the next few days)






Here are a few pictures from Christmas Morning when The little Girl received Stella:

The Little Girl put Stella into a dress that was meant for The little Girl, but I agree with the little girl, she looks like a Christkindli.


So sweet!

Stella in her birthday suit, but still decent. This picture illustrates well how large a 52cm doll is. The little Girl has tall parents and she is tall herself for 6. You can also see her that The Olive Sparrow children are plump dolls. They have a nice weight and can give very nice hugs…. 

This past weekend I heard from another friend of my that her son was visiting The little Girl and admired Stella. The little Girl then continously commented to her mom how wonderful it was that The little Boy seemed to love Stella as much as she did. This shared love really moved her.. and I stood there with goosebumps on my arms, knowing that through my hard work and care I was able to play a small part in The little Girls life. I can never say anything though.. because Stella was gifted to The little Girl by Santa… then again… Santa has elves working for him in mysterious ways.

Each doll is made up of the following materials.

Skin: 100% cotton (Swiss-made to Öko-Tex-Standard 100)
Stuffing 100% “green-processed” wool batt from Canada
Hair: 100% Wool, or a Mohair/Wool Blend
Clothing: 100% natural fibres (linen, cotton, silk)
Shoes: Recycled felted wool sweaters, or pure leather
Face: 100% cotton Embroidery Thread

Each doll is created individually by artist Monika Aebischer, the proprietor of The Olive Sparrow. She sources and uses only the highest quality materials in her creations – swiss-made skin fabric, Canadian green processed wool stuffing,  wool/mohair for the dolls hair (often hand-dyed by her). Hair for the Olive Sparrow Children is made by crocheting a cap that is sewn to the head, allowing for replacement should it ever become necessary (although most children will object to this, as it changes their doll dramatically). For the wispy hair, a special german mohair is used and a labour-intense technique, for the loose longer hair each strand of wool is individually knotted into the crocheted cap. This is the prime technique for doll-wig creation.

Doll clothing is made from up-cycled vintage and clothing fabrics, in either pure linen, cotton or silk. Up-cycled fabric is wonderful for doll clothes, as the cloth has been washed soft, gentle and free of textile manufacturing products. Monika also felts used woolen sweaters to use for doll shoes and clothing. She knits the doll’s hats out of prime quality knitting wool. Each seam on the doll’s body is sewn twice to allow your child to fiercely love their Olive Sparrow Child. Clothing is sewn with French seams and some are fully reversible.