Lucky Finds

Had a very lucky day at Chez-V V (okay it is Value Village – we say it with a french accent ouround our house – honouring hubby's french-canadian heritage).


I've been looking for a creamer for some time. We already have the "Cookie-Jar", some mugs and Huxley's special secret jar in this old Sears series. They are actually made in Canada. 

Our cookie-jar is where we keep candies and other treats in. The cookie-jar is never empty, yet because it is always here, although out of reach, it is not a big deal and sometimes weeks go by when Huxley requests nothing. 

Growing up there was a drawer in our living room that was always full of cookies and chocolate (normal for Switzerland.. giggle.. I don't know). I never craved sweets, yet knew that if I desired a little something I would not be denied. Hubby and I decided that although we eat very healthy, we would not outright deny our son his treats — all with the intention that he would not need to gorge himself on this "outlawed" food the minute he gets his own allowance. 

One could argue that it goes against our ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet, yet we talk about our choice of not needing meat in our diet, and so far he has clearly stated that he did not even want to try it. Who knows what he will do as he gets older. For now, the cookie-jar and the vegetarian diet are working for us.


The six little dwarfs.. waiting to help out at the next party.

The 6 little dwarfs. These just make me giggle.


Three new cookbooks have been added to my permanent cooking library this past week. Didn't plan it that way, alas I'm in heaven:


I still remember getting Heidi Swansons first book "Super Natural Cooking" about 3 or 4 years ago and virtually reading it cover to cover. I'm an avid follower of her blog 101 Cookbooks, and of course had to get her new book the week it came out. She did not disappoint with this follow-up book..



Plenty I saw a few weeks ago in my amazon recommendations and after a quick peek through put onto my wishlist. Didn't want to rush it… then I saw the book, leafed through it and went straight home to order it.. I already made the sweet-potato cakes (pg. 32) from it and wow.. they were absolutely delicious… I'm planning on making the cover-picture egg-plants for our easter lunch. A gorgeous book, unusual recipes and just vegetables.. 



The Blue-Chair Jam Cookbook promises to be a great inspiration during the jam-ing season. There are a lot of marmalade based recipes, with lots of citrus fruit, probably a few to many for my taste, however, the book just looks so wonderful on top of my Hoosier cabinet that I will still make many of the recipes from it. Must read it thoroughly when I have a chance, as it has lots of in-depth information on fruit cooking in general.

Yummy! yummy in my tummy!…


Here a little something we like to make:

1. Organic Hazelnut butter (or almond, macademia, walnut, peanut) (about 250 grams (half a large jar)

2. A handfull of chocolate chips (depending how chocolaty you'd like it)

3. 1 teaspoon Virgin Coconut oil (this is our magic ingredient)

Put into microwave oven for about 2 minutes (or heat in water bath on stove-top) 

Stir vigurously

Put into fridge to let set – Bingo.. homemade Hazelnut-choclate spread, also known as Nutella


Enjoy and do let me know how you like it…




Last fall was a very busy time, so much happening, so little time and then the ground froze on me. I panicked, as I didn't have a chance to harvest our Jerusalem Artichoke. I thought that maybe we would get a January thaw, but no such luck.

On Thursday, I saw a squirrel dig in the grass and decided to see what's happening in the back yard to get it so excited.. lo and behold, much of the ground is thawed. So I pulled on the sunchoke plant (they are annuals), and it came easily out of the ground, not many artichokes though. When I pulled out the next plant however, I found a few chokes in the soil.. I went and got the shovel.. and here my dears is my harvest:


I haven't weighed it yet, but I guess it's around 3kg.

This is from 6 plants. I had put them in the middle of the garden. Not knowing how exactly they would do in my space (it was my first time trying them), I regretted that decision, as they blocked all the light from my swiss chard harvest (i.e. there was no swiss chard harvest last year). This year they are going against the back fence, to block the view and to let them have fun and expand.

My husband was worried if the chokes would taste okay after being frozen in the ground, and they did. It was after reading in many places that once you plant them, they are very hard to get rid off, that I decided that the tubers must likely be okay to stay in the ground during the winter.. now on to preserving and cooking them.. yummy!… 

If you cook with them and have a favourite recipe, I would love to hear about it.