Road trip reviews and show announcements

This past Saturday I had a booth at the TWS just north of Toronto. Here a couple of pictures of my booth (I was up the night before the show until 2:30 working on my goodies and then back up at 6 to finish setting up the day of the show) – the photos are not the best photographic work I have ever done (grin)…



I will show detailed pictures of the dolls after I have completed the show circut for the season.


Saturday evening we took the booth down at 6pm and at 7 we got on the highway to drive towards Ottawa for the Ottawa Waldorf School Winterfair. Ottawa is about 550 km's away from Toronto – a lengthy drive. We created a nest for Huxley in the backseat – a traveling bag propped up with a couple of pillows and a blanket – so that he was able to comfortably and safely sleep while my husband did all the driving. My friend Wendo lives along the highway, about an hour away from Ottawa and we got to crash at her place for one night.

On Sunday morning we rose early and drove to Stittsville to set up for the fair.



Some of the dolls in the picture are sold, the ones still available will be for sale at the Waldorf Academy in Toronto on December 3rd, along with a few other treasures that I am still working on. Including some nature table beauties.

If you are near Guelph Ontario, this coming Friday I will be at the Trillium Waldorf School at the Cranberry market between 7 – 11pm. I would love to see you. Please note, because there is another vendor there with the large dolls, I was asked to not show them there (instead there will be small bendable nature table fairies and mother earth dolls – never before shown.).

Okay, off to the studio to create to my hearts content. 


November will be a very busy month – there are a lot of chances to meet me to learn from me and to see and purchase Olive Sparrow Goods.

Here is a list of events:


META4 Gallery

Liquid Wax on Paper & Fabric

The workshop I talked about in June was moved to: 

Sunday, November 13 and (optional) Monday, November 14, 10 am – 4 pm

There might still be some space, please contact the gallery directly.


The Art Guild of Scarborough

Hand-on Mixed Media Workshop Evening with the members of the Art Guild of Scarborough:

Working with personal Imagery – November 17th from 7:30 – 9:30




Sunday – November 20th:

 Ottawa Waldorf School

Holly Christmas Fair

10.00am – 3.00pm 


Friday – November 25th:

Trillium Waldorf School in Guelph, Ontario

Cranberry Market, Friday November 25th from 7pm to  11pm.

(Please note that I will not bring my Olive Sparrow Children to this event – there is another vendor there who will have waldorf inspired dolls). I will have my nature table dolls with me though (not necessarily bunnies, but similar to this.) – and all my other Olive Sparrow Goods


There are also two events planned for December – The Toronto Waldorf Academy and the London Waldorf School (I will post details in the days ahead).

So I'm better getting to working on my goodies now… I'm hoping to meet some of you at one of these events.


Busy Hands

A week of dying felt for crowns has resulted in this:


and hands that are not to be shown in public.


These hands though have also helped me do some of this (photo is just a very small sampling of all the ones I've tied off this week.


These are tiny heads for small figures on bendable wire frames – like my little knight from a few years ago. 

Today I'm back at the studio, tying off heads for larger and smaller dolls and running errands all in the name of the Olive Sparrow (boy that birdy is driving me hard these days… tweeet, tweet, tweet).

On other happy notes, our bunnies have been reunited and seem to be doing great. Eddie had his "little boy operation" and enough time has passed so that it is safe to put them back together. They are so happy (insofar as it's possible to see a bunny smiling).

There will be busy workings

This past week I was accepted to exhibit my wares at two wonderful Waldorf Schools near Toronto. The Toronto Waldorf School in Richmond Hill and the Trillium Waldorf School in Guelph.

The dates are as follows:

November 19th from 9 am until 6pm I will be at the Toronto Waldorf School Arts and Crafts Fair at the Toronto Waldorf School. This is a juried exhibition and I am elated to be taking part. 

November 25th from 7 pm – 11 pm at the Cranberry Market at the Trillium Waldorf School in Guelph (a little note: there is another established doll vendor at the show, so my Olive Sparrow Children will stay home that day – so my booth will instead have new crowns, playsilks, felted finger puppets and small posable dolls available).

I am also still awaiting on confirmation on a few other places where you might be able to see me in the fall. I will post details when the time is closer.

So the fingers and heart will be busy this fall. 




Summer Solstice Celebration

To mark the longest day in the year Huxley got to stay up until dark. That was always a dream of mine and at seven, he can handle it. 

I returned home from an appointment at 9pm, at which time we took a blanket out into the backyard with a bowl of fresh local strawberries, some yogurt and honey drizzles. The mosquitos promptly chased us to the front porch, where they don't like to hang out. 

As the light changed to that wondrous summer-evening dusk quality we decided to go for a walk through what is referred to as the dog-park in our neighbourhood. We did not meet any dogs, but we discussed how in the olden days this day was often considered the day of the fairies. Huxley said that was silly, as there are no such things. On our walk, we passed through a collection of trees, crossing a little bridge (although there is no water underneath it) and we paused there. Looking into the very dark woods, I got Huxley thinking about the darkness and how without street lights it would be easy to imagine that fairies move among the trees.

Our walk took us through the playground too, where we stopped for a bit of time on the swings. The sky darkened, but it was still not really dark (living in the city procludes that). Returning home, we each litt up sparkling candles in lieu of having a bonefire. 

Now the days will get shorter again. Knowing this makes my soul feel a bit on the heavy side, yet working in the garden and having summer vacation ahead of us lightens that feeling.

Did you mark the Solstice?