We’ve got babies…

Two of them… 

But before we got the ones we have now, we tried one of these (see below), but it just didn't work out. He didn't want to eat the hay, or the pellets, he also kept spilling the water dish, so in the end we decided to let him roam free again…


Last Friday I drove many miles/kilometers to get the other type of babies we had been waiting for:


After a 3 hour drive they arrived home safe and sound, but of course quite nervous. 

On Saturday afternoon my niece came for a visit and the kids had a lot of sweet moments with the baby-bunnies. 


This is Eddie, he is a chocolate brown Polish dwarf rabbit. He is 6 weeks old now and the sweetest little soul. Very calm, yet adventurous, and soooo soft. 


My niece is holding Alice, a 6 week old Mini-Rex. Alice is a cautious bunny, but very curious and already is showing her smarts, by understanding that we mean her no harm, even though we make her still a bit nervous with all our new smells and noises. 

My DH and Eddie bonded right away. So lovely to see.

Eddie and Alice where raised in the same litter, so they are brother and sister by heart. When Eddie is old enough, we will have him neutered to make sure he lives the best possible life he can. We are very fortunate that one of the vets recommended by the local Rabbit Rescue organization is located just a few minutes drive from our home.

Preparing for the arrival of these two sweeties has taken much of my time over the last few weeks, and precluded me from doing other things, as well as my finger still healing as well.

The breeder the bunnies come from is Annette from At Home Pets, just north of London, Ontario. She did a wonderful job handling and socializing the bunnies. I am proud to say that our little guys spent some time at a homeschool meeting with her and her son. They also encountered the house cat, which means that they are not traumatized from smelling our two cats.

Having pet bunnies has been a long-term wish for Huxley. When he was about five and we went to the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair and saw the bunnies, he couldn't stop telling me how much he would love to have a pet bunny. I knew though, that he was still too young to handle them safely. As he has gotten older, his love for animals has not diminished, so we felt that now would be a good time to get bunnies. (Ehmm.. I thought so, there was a bit of convincing of my DH involved… but he is fully on board now, and his concerns where all justified too). 

Owning a bunny is not a new thing for us though. In 2003 I had an ectopic pregnancy and was very upset, as we had been trying for a baby. Because bunnies are also viewed as fertility symbols, and because I felt very bad, we decided to get a bunny. A lovely bunny named Luna joined us:


She is a Netherland Dwarf and has one blue and one brown eye. In September that year DH and I went on a 3 week vacation to Greece and our bunny-loving friend Gary agreed to take care of luna. Two things happened while we where climbing up to the Acropolis and philandering around Santorini — I realized that I was with child, and Gary fell hopelessly in love with Luna. To simplify all our need and changes in life, we gifted Luna to Gary, and the following May I gave birth to Huxley. Luna is living an amazingly happy life with Gary, she is now 8, and still of very good health. We visit her when we can, but sadly, she is only attached to Gary, and I can't even pet her now. 

Gary is coming to visit our baby bunnies soon, but we will make sure that there is no more falling in loves, because, these babies.. they are ours!


Still here…

Sorry for the quiet from this neck of the city… will do an update post in the next few days. Had a very busy few weeks getting work ready for my agent.. and getting ready for two new family members to arrive by the end of this week. 


just one little 8"x8" piece that is now with my agent.


another 8"x8" that I really love.


and something a little larger: 30" x 30"…


It’s bunny time…..



The bunny was created without a pattern, but had been inspired by Fabiola from Fig & Me . I used a wired figure (with the large head bead replaced with a tinnie-tiney waldorf doll head. The body was wrapped with wool and skin fabric before I sewed the knitted bunny-outfit right onto the doll. I left the feet and hands wooden. The bunny also has a large fluffy tail made from a pompon:




The itzy-bitzy little bunny is needlefelted. I had made him last summer while visiting one of my closest primary school friends in Switzerland. He's about 1 1/4" long.


This is our little nature shelf. We had a nature table in the living room for a few years, but it got to often neglected and forgotten. Now we've got a very small shelf in the kitchen above our table where we eat our meals. It's a wonderful way to decorate for events. I won't tell you how between specific times it often holds a myriad of unrleated bits and bobs… namely lego, tape dispensers, papers, etc…. wait.. I did just tell you.. (grin)…

And now.. drum roll please… our dyed eggs for 2011!….


I dyed them using german-made colour tablets and vinegar. The eggs needed to still be hot before inserting into the dye, so I was not able to put the rubberbands on.. I tried, but after dropping a way to hot egg.. I surrendered to dip-dying.

Have a wonderful and happy Easter, a time for renewal and reawakening…


Lucky Finds

Had a very lucky day at Chez-V V (okay it is Value Village – we say it with a french accent ouround our house – honouring hubby's french-canadian heritage).


I've been looking for a creamer for some time. We already have the "Cookie-Jar", some mugs and Huxley's special secret jar in this old Sears series. They are actually made in Canada. 

Our cookie-jar is where we keep candies and other treats in. The cookie-jar is never empty, yet because it is always here, although out of reach, it is not a big deal and sometimes weeks go by when Huxley requests nothing. 

Growing up there was a drawer in our living room that was always full of cookies and chocolate (normal for Switzerland.. giggle.. I don't know). I never craved sweets, yet knew that if I desired a little something I would not be denied. Hubby and I decided that although we eat very healthy, we would not outright deny our son his treats — all with the intention that he would not need to gorge himself on this "outlawed" food the minute he gets his own allowance. 

One could argue that it goes against our ovo-lacto-vegetarian diet, yet we talk about our choice of not needing meat in our diet, and so far he has clearly stated that he did not even want to try it. Who knows what he will do as he gets older. For now, the cookie-jar and the vegetarian diet are working for us.


The six little dwarfs.. waiting to help out at the next party.

The 6 little dwarfs. These just make me giggle.

Stitching away

Working on a little something for myself.. will show you what it is when it is finished.




Ingredients: 100% black, kinda glossy linen fabric; 100% silk hand-dyed thread; hand stitching, patience, slowness, rough edges, square, healing

inspired by: annekata and a procrastination at the studio and looking through some Japanese craft books