
Winter Interlude

Sorry for my absence from the just barley established rythmen of blogging frequency. We had a lot of things to take care off, involving many conversations and discussions. I won't go into detail here until outcomes are known. 

I would like to share a picture taken early in the week. 


It shows how within the span of a week we lost about a metre of snow from our streets.I was shocked to see a couple of days ago that my narcisus had sent up 4" long shoots, and some tulips where pocking out of the ground by about 1/2". 

In Canada, there is just no early spring!… well, not this early! Yesterday we had about 2 cm of new snow and if last year is anything to go by, we'll have some more serious dumpings of snow before April. In numbers, we had almost one meter of snow in March 2008 alone…. I'm hoping though, that the tulips will still bloom when the time comes and that this didn't kill them… 

Hopefully the weekend will bring some some beautiful weather to do photography of projects I wish to share here. 

I just made a donation to the Australian Red Cross for the Victoria Bush Fires. Pushed to act what I wanted to do by Serendipity's call for help. Won't you join me?

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