Casting about…

The cast is not supposed to get wet. I am therefore working on some projects other than my paintings too. Long, long overdue ones. 

Today's task: prepare the pattern for the Chippys I made back in 2009. 

There was some pattern drawing, some test knitting, some introductions:


There was also some procrastination where I spent time decorating my cast (inspired by Frieda Kahlo, but on a bit a smaller scale)


The finger feels a lot better, but I need to see the hand therapist twice a week to change the cast and tend to the skin under it. Huxley and I were horsing around tonight and the finger got a tug on it… wow.. that was not good!!!!! 

Back to the chippies:

I'm not satisfied with the body shape of the one above and have re-drawn the pattern and re-knit the next "hide". Most of the work in these sweet little chippies is in the sewing up and embroidery. Once I have the pattern finalized, I will need to write up those instructions, then look for some test-knitters to see if my instructions make sense. 


Knit in 100% Alpaca, on 2.5mm needles.

I also went to the wool store and got some white angora to make bunnies.